Traditional Chinese Medecine
Acupuncture-Holistic Integrative Therapy -Massage
Traditional Chinese Medicine (MTC), is a system for harmonizing, optimizing and rebalancing the state of health of the person; that is, the functioning of the body,at the physical, psycho-emotional and energetic levels from an intergrated perspective.
Its foundations are based on theTheory of Yin-Yang and the 5 Elements-Movements, the Zhang-Fu and Jing Luo (meridians or channels), the Chinese syndromes, etc. that consider the person as a holistically intergrated being.
Therapies include; Acupuncture (M.T.C); Tuina, auriculotherapy, moxibustion, cupping- therapy, dietetics and Chinese phytotherapy.
Specialization in Pain Management with Integrative Chinese Medecine
60 min/90 min
Ayurveda is a millennial healing art that comes from India. In Sanskrit “ayur” means life & “veda” corresponds to “knowledge”. Ayurveda, therefore, “is the knowledge of life” or “the science of living”. Ayurveda is effective in the prevention of diseases, the preservation of health and the promotion of longevity.
Abhayanga massage is one of the most used techniques, using Ayurvedic oil combines a series of manual movements, rhythms and intensities in the body to mobilize and stimulate the elimination of toxins through biological systems, in addition to release the tension of the muscles , to release the tendons and the nerves of fatigue that accumulate in the day to day. Stimulates the lymphatic system and purifies the body, maintaining body health. It includes relaxation, improved joint functioning and emotional release. The 90 min session combines with the Indian Head Massage ,Ayurvedic Reflexology & Chakra Balancing
60 min
Swedish massage is a dynamic massage technique that dissolves tension and gives firmness to muscles and joints.
Giving an invigorating and relaxing effect, it improves oxygen absorption, blood circulation and the lymphatic system, helping to eliminate toxins and for your body to regain its natural balance.
60 min
Deep tissue massage is designed to penetrate below the superficial layers of muscle to treat chronic muscular problems and tightness. It is ideal for releasing deep muscular tension, especially in people that accumulate stress over time.
60 min/90 min
The combination of aromatherapy and massage for a customized treatment. Pure essential oils have a positive effect on the mind, body and spirit by improving emotional well-being and maximizing health.
Nutritious oils are absorbed into the skin and penetrate deeply into body tissues. Choose from a range of exclusive aromatherapy massage oils with a variety of benefits for your individual needs.
45 min
Ayurvedic traditional massage treats the physical, mental,emotional and energetic levels using tempered oils.
It works on the Nervous System, which controls the functioning of our organs and is essential for our well-being. It treats anxiety, benefits insomnia and emotional stress.
45 min
Manual therapy in the feet and legs, where pressure and kneading are applied at different reflex points,connecting with the systems and organs of thebody.
The treatment gently reduces stress, improves blood and lymphatic circulation, and naturally promotes the elimination of toxins.
By stimulating reflex points in thefeet and hands, the body can return to a more balanced state.
60 min
Knot-releasing therapeutic massage of the back and neck, with stretches to recover mobility and relieve muscular tension.
The technique can be combined with acupuncture and/or moxibustion/cupping to treat pain and increase the benefit of the treatment.
Customized Programs
* Acupuncture
* Choose a massage ; Detox/ Deep Tissue /Swedish
* Algae body wrap
* Acupuncture
* Choose a massage ; Aromatherapy- Relaxation Massage / Abhayanga (Indian head massage) 90 min
* Nourishing body wrap